How To Read People like a book

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How To Read People 2

Now we better know before anything else that the whole planet of earth is not equal. This means every portion of this planet has a different geological profile, meaning you cannot find any two elements to be the same they all have different gravity factors and different weights. Knowing this you’ll see that the whole universe is out of balance, so we as humans are out of balance. This shows the opposite side of any and all theories that might have been suggested before.  The reason, in my opinion, is that they don’t know anything about balance. They claim that “An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady “ I take that to mean that if weight is evenly distributed it cannot move.  But we all know if we don’t move were going to die. If we know we are out of balance how can we put ourselves in balance? We assume in order to be balanced we need some kind of program, which you know all humanity is trying to put themselves in some kind of program as fast as they can. This shows they’re trying to be balanced. That’s why all the pieces of this program have to have movement and with every movement they make they become closer to having balance. That affects every person differently and specifically. In actuality a person doesn’t really have any control of their own organs. Now somebody might claim that “I am in control of my body” I better tell you, you don’t even know your body. If someone wants to make use of anything like a car or a bike, they have to have some knowledge on it. If they don’t have any knowledge on it they cannot operate it. So if people don’t have knowledge of their bodies how can they have control? Everybody has their own specific DNA. As long as people are speedily going towards finding balance and that speed is faster than the individuals speed they become numb. And if you have the key of every individual then you can easily read people’s faces.  Now the question comes: how can we obtain that key?  In the next section I will explain more about that key.

P.S after reading this blog if you have any questions feel free to call me @ 760-248-9860 (8:00 am- 2:00 pm)

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